Yoga exercises in everyday life

Yoga exercises in everyday life

Yoga as an ancient medicine for the modern age

In the western world, many have long believed it to be yoga a whim most commonly used by hippies, today we see how these same people were wrong and how it is a part of the lives of many of us today. People become interested in yoga when they notice that everyday life and a fast-paced lifestyle are becoming a problem. Lack of exercise and poor nutrition will eventually leave a mark on each of us, it will manifest itself in various health problems, both physical and mental.

How to describe yoga? We can describe it as a mystical discipline or even a practical way to improve the quality of our lives. The history of yoga dates back as far as 4000 years ago and over the years it has spread from India to the west where it has branched out. Yoga contains meditation, breathing exercises and physical exercises. Each of the listed directions of yoga has its own secrets of performance, which means that today we can find numerous books as well as videos that talk about different styles of performance.

Why are more and more people interested in yoga? With yoga we can achieve greater flexibility and better vitality of the body which helps us to get rid of pain in a natural way, with it we can also relax the mind from our daily worries and practice meditation. Today, Hatha is the most famous type of yoga in the West, its purpose is exercises that include specific postures that help stretch and strengthen the whole body and improve the concentration of our mind.

Yoga exercises in everyday life
Yoga exercises in everyday life (source: Pinterest)


Yoga and its health benefits

The first and greatest benefit of yoga is improving the flexibility of the body. When you first encounter certain exercises you will notice that you are not so flexible, sometimes certain exercises will seem unattainable to you. Improving flexibility is certainly the most obvious change that occurs when a person starts practicing yoga. It follows muscle strengthening, helps prevent osteoporosis, strengthens immunity, improves the general cardiovascular condition in the body, improves concentration and general health of our body.

People who often practice yoga feel changes in these forms: More correct and upright posture, a sense of happiness and satisfaction, no tension in the joints, better and better sleep, provides a sense of self-esteem. Yoga in fact it unites the whole body, mind and spirit and that is why many consider it more a spiritual discipline than an exercise. Yoga aims to restore natural relaxation to the individual and bring peace to the mind and body.

How to start practicing yoga? If you are a beginner who wants to embark on the world of yoga, then it is best to use internet search to find certain studies that specialize in yoga. Why is it best to start by enrolling in a yoga program? Such programs help you try different styles of exercise, you have a specialized person who will correct you, you will learn to breathe properly, you will know yourself and your limits and finally learn how to enjoy. Another tip is to definitely start through various video tutorials where you can follow the movements step by step.

Yoga for awakening the mind and body

How to start practicing yoga and awaken your body and spirit? Whether you enroll in a yoga class or work from home, yoga it starts from easier positions, and it takes some time for progress to come. In yoga, continuous work is important. As with other styles of exercise, progress in yoga will depend on an individual’s health and mobility. How much yoga do you need to practice per day? In the beginning, only 5 to 10 minutes are enough to gradually acquaint your body with the movements that you will perform in slightly different ways every day.

You can start practicing yoga at home with the following poses: Child’s pose, here you will sit on your heels, stretch your arms forward and reach the floor with your forehead. Breathe through your nose 10 times and return to an upright position. Cow – cat pose, knees and hands touching the floor in a table position. The knees should be hip-width apart and the palms shoulder-width apart. Inhale the plow to bend your back, look up and open the toe area. Exhale round your back, chin going towards your chest and look towards your abdomen, the position of the cat.

Pose the dog down, in a table position, pull your toes and exhale, place your heels on the floor while straightening your legs as much as you can. Spread your fingers on your palms and push your palms to the floor as you shift the weight to your heels. Pose the tree, sitting position where we put the right foot on the left thigh. Gather your palms in front of your heart and look at one point in front of you, breathe ten breaths and switch legs.

Pose the small bridge, lie on your back and bend your lower legs lifting your pelvis off the floor. His hands are resting on the floor. Yoga has been practiced since ancient times and we know that it has many benefits for the body. Continuity and sets of repetitions are essential for best results. To get to know yoga, it is recommended to enroll in yoga classes where a certified teacher will guide you through all the exercises. 

10 yoga poses to do everyday

  1. Low lunge / Anjaneyasana
  2. Warrior 2 / Virabhadrasana II
  3. Triangle / Trikonasana
  4. Tree pose / Vrksasana
  5. Locust pose / Salabhasana
  6. Bridge pose / Setu Bandha Sarvangasana
  7. Cow face pose / Gomukhasana
  8. Legs up the wall / Viparita Karani
  9. Legs up the wall / Viparita Karani
  10. Mountain Pose / Tadasana

source: ekhartyoga

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