
Uveitis cause, symptoms, treatment

Uveitis and iritis are two names for the same serious eye condition

The popular opinion among the people is that the eye is the most delicate and sensitive organ in the human body. The iris or iris is just one of the three (middle) membranes of the eye and when it becomes inflamed it can end fatally, with loss of vision. Uveitis and iritis are two names for the same serious eye condition, so you should contact an ophthalmologist immediately to determine the correct diagnosis. Inflammation can appear suddenly, accompanied by redness, floating spots and shadows in the field of vision and pain, but it can also be painless.

Non-infectious uveitis can be caused by systemic and autoimmune diseases, and infectious by bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites, protozoa, and iritis can be both acute and chronic and both need to be treated. There is also non-infectious iritis that affects the entire eye (all three layers), but its causes are unknown. Iritis is also called cataract and is often accompanied by high intraocular pressure which further damages vision, so blurred vision is another symptom to look out for.

Anterior, middle, posterior and diffuse uveitis

It does not matter which part of the uvea is affected by inflammation, so anterior, middle, posterior and diffuse uveitis are different and are thus diagnosed and treated. Anterior iritis is an inflammation of the front of the ear, affecting the iris or part of the radial body or both, begins abruptly, with recognizable symptoms and can last up to eight weeks. Moderate iritis affects the vitreous as a peripheral inflammation. Posterior iritis affects the back of the eye, and diffuse iritis affects the front and back of the eye and is usually painless but needs to be treated.

Uveitis called  is a condition in which all parts of the eye are inflamed. Visual impairment is usually the first symptom that something is wrong with the eye. Symptoms may appear in only one eye that loses visual acuity or in both eyes at once, usually starting abruptly, only in chronic iritis they occur gradually. Symptoms include pain, redness, tears, sensitivity to light, blurred vision, yellow spot, eye pressure, spots, flakes, shadows, streaks and other sensations in the eye.

Untreated uveitis can lead to glaucoma

It is important that any inflammation of the eye is treated immediately and in an adequate way, because untreated uveitis can lead to glaucoma and even complete loss of vision. Treatment is carried out with anti-inflammatory, often corticosteroid drops, if necessary antibiotic drops. Pupil dilation drops reduce swelling and deformity of the eye, and you can also get oral medications, depending on the cause of the inflammation and the current clinical picture of the eye. Occasional injections are also prescribed. 

Chronic uveitis it can lead to gray or green cataracts, yellow spots and in the worst cases to blindness. Cataract is a complication that occurs due to neglected chronic inflammation and usually needs to be operated on. None of the described inflammations are treated naturally, there are no natural remedies for these conditions. Warm compresses on the eyelids can alleviate the current pain a little, because the heat dilates the blood vessels in the eye and improves their blood circulation, but you must contact an ophthalmologist and start adequate treatment as soon as possible.

source: mayoclinic

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