Apple launched Apple Watch Series 7 with a lot of changes and a larger screen of 41mm and 45mm. Although a new boxer design was expected last year, it seems that Apple will keep it for a while. Today we learned that he will Apple Watch Series 8 bring big updates for Activity Tracker and a faster chip that will run all models.
According to Bloomberg newsletter, Apple is expected to launch three new Apple Watch Series 8 models later this year. To be precise, the company will announce an updated Apple Watch SE, Apple Watch Series 8, and Apple Watch for extreme conditions. A Bloomberg analyst suggests that this year will be “the biggest in the history of the Apple Watch from the original model”, although there will be no new sensors for health and fitness.
And while Apple is spending millions on research and development, we don’t expect the company to implement a blood pressure or blood sugar sensor for the Series 8. However, there is a possibility that the company will introduce a body temperature sensor this year.
Gourmet also believes that Apple will abolish the Apple Watch Series 3 this year, which has been on sale for some time because it is sold as an affordable model. Apart from this, the design of the wearable device will most likely remain the same since the company increased the screen size last year. This means that the company could use the same design a little longer. However, at this moment, nothing can be said with certainty because the company has the final say.
Apple Watch Series 8 release date
Some rumored news stated that release date of a new Apple Watch Series 8 could be on September 13, 2022.
Apple Watch Series 8 cost
The Apple Watch 7 starts at $399 for the 41mm and $429 for the 45mm hence we could expect the similar price for the Apple Watch Series 8.
source: apple
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