Battlefield 2042 is now one of Steam’s Worst reviewed game

Battlefield 2042 has 22.5 thousand negative reviews on the first day after launch and is the second worst reviewed game in 2021.


Battlefield 2042 is currently among the top ten rated games in Steam history
Battlefield 2042 game


Battlefield 2042 managed to interest the audience this summer (it had the most watched trailer of the E3 fair), but something definitely didn’t go well when launching the game itself, primarily with the PC version, but the other versions didn’t go much better either. Judging by the first reactions of players on the PC, Battlefield 2042 is the second biggest disaster of 2021 – right after eFootball 2022.

So at least says the statistics of user reviews, of which even 22.5 thousand negative, and 6.8 thousand positive. As things stand now, Battlefield 2042 is the eighth worst rated game in Steam history with that ratio. He probably won’t stay in that spot, but the player’s initial dissatisfaction is clear. And we’re not talking about the measure of dissatisfaction here as with user ratings on Metacritic – only those who own the game can leave a user rating on Steam.

The biggest problem with Battlefield 2042, as the players themselves write, is the technically messy state in which the game was launched. Poor optimization, crashes, bugs – all this is in fairly large quantities in Battlefield 2042. But people are not angry just because of that, but as disadvantages are mentioned numerous disadvantages such as lack of classes, chat, leaderboard, spectator mode, fewer weapons compared to previous games, lack of real support for ultrawide monitors and piles more.

Rarely positive player reactions praise a large number of vehicles in the game, map size and Portal mode, claiming that the game delivers solid fun when it turns a blind eye to optimization issues and bugs.

More game news: Battlefield 2042 Release Date, Review, Price, Trailer

source: forbes

Battlefield 2042 has TWO major patches on the way

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