Blood pressure what is it?
We all know that when the heart works, it pumps blood through the bloodstream throughout the body, and the heart does this by using blood pressure on the walls of the arteries of the main blood vessels. It is this pressure that represents the blood pressure that allows the blood to circulate through the body and reach all the organs in the body so that they can perform their normal function.
When the heart pumps blood into the bloodstream, the pressure rises, and when the blood returns to the heart, the pressure drops, so two values are measured for blood pressure, upper or systolic pressure when the heart pumps blood, and lower or diastolic when the heart receives blood back. Blood pressure changes due to physical activity as a physical effort or stress as a result of some mental effort.
Therefore blood pressure measures at rest when the body has been at rest for some time to obtain actual blood pressure values by measuring with a pressure gauge. Normal blood pressure values are 140 mmHg for systolic and 90 mmHg for diastolic blood pressure, as the upper and lower limits.
High blood pressure
High blood pressure or a condition of hypertension is also called a silent killer because there are no symptoms that would indicate that the pressure is elevated, and can cause a number of serious health conditions. If your blood pressure is above normal values 140 to 90, and this has been going on for some time, it would be best to contact your general practitioner who will assess whether it is necessary to regulate your blood pressure with tablets.
High blood pressure causes serious health conditions such as atherosclerosis, which is a blockage in the blood vessels in the arteries, and affects heart and blood vessel disease. Angina pectoris and stroke are also diseases that occur as a result of high blood pressure, and are among the leading causes of death.
There are no symptoms of hypertension and high blood pressure is most often detected when heart disease, stroke, and kidney disease that are directly related to heart function occur. It can also damage the eyesight, but also other organs such as the liver that processes blood, the digestive system and all other organs in the body, since the bloodstream connects all organs and maintains normal body function.
Low blood pressure
Although it is believed that low blood pressure is not as dangerous as high blood pressure, if a sudden drop in blood pressure occurs, it can be a life-threatening situation. However, these are rare extreme cases when the cause of such a pressure disorder is a serious medical condition, which will be treated and the pressure will be regulated.
Hypotension or low blood pressure if it does not cause other health problems it is not dangerous and one can live normally if one does not feel dizzy or faint. In order to treat hypotension, it is necessary to know the cause, which can be from simple dehydration when the body lacks fluid, to pregnancy, or in athletes where low blood pressure is common.
Heart problems that do not pump enough blood, and endocrine problems such as diabetes, adrenal disease, thyroid disease, sudden blood loss or sepsis infection are serious health conditions that require urgent medical attention and treatment.
source: heart
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