Food intolerance testing

Food digestion how the body processes food

Why food digestion is important

Digestion is a set of certain physical and chemical processes that affect the way the body absorbs food. The process of digestion of food is present in all living beings. In humans, food absorption takes place through several complex processes. It is known that the digestive system plays a very important role in the proper functioning of the body. The digestive system is responsible for fulfilling this function, and it is based on organs that allow the body to extract the maximum amount of nutrients from food and thus ensure survival. The human digestive system forms a digestive tract that is connected to glands that release essential things for the process of digesting food. The digestive system consists of the gastrointestinal tract, which is the mouth, throat, esophagus, stomach, small and large intestines, then the glands with which they are connected, ie the liver and pancreas, which are responsible for producing enzymes to break down food into small particles. The digestive process begins from the moment a person ingests food or fluid. Depending on what the person consumed, digestion of food it can take up to 24 hours. The whole process of digestion takes place in two ways, the first is chewing food that is crushed in the stomach, and the second is a chemical process where digestive enzymes digest all the nutrients.

Food digestion - how the body processes food
Food digestion how the body processes food (source: Pinterest)

Food digestion – how food is broken down

How is food digested in the human body? When it comes to digestion of food, absorption is the word most commonly used in the process related to nutrients. The breakdown of food begins in the mouth, while in the stomach and small intestine it is broken down by digestive juices. The mouth is responsible for carrying out the chewing process, the teeth squeeze food, and the tongue wraps the chewed pieces with saliva. This initial process of digestion is known as mechanical digestion and consists of food intake, swallowing and movement in the digestive tract. Saliva facilitates the process of passing food that is later directed to the esophagus. When food passes through the digestive tract, it reaches the stomach. Under the influence of stomach acid is subject to a new chemical process. After the digestive procedure, which takes place with gastric juice, it goes into the small intestine. The pancreas and liver are responsible for absorbing the nutrients found in food. Once the digestion of food is complete, comes the last stage where the ingredients that could not be digested pass through the colon. Then stool accumulates in the part of the large intestine which is expelled through the anal canal by contraction of the abdominal muscles.

Digestion of food in the human body

What happens when the digestive system does not work well? The digestive system ensures the absorption of all important nutrients for the body. It is known that when digestion of food goes bad various problems that the body shows through diseases that are periodic or frequent. Namely, diarrhea, intestinal infections and constipation cause discomfort, while gastritis affects the constant burning. Therefore, the occurrence of gastrointestinal diseases should not be forgotten. Symptoms of heartburn, discomfort and abdominal pain occur with indigestion. Decreased absorption of nutrients results in indigestion, where stomach acid is returned to the esophagus. To understand how important food digestion and the entire digestive system are for health, it all starts with food selection. Healthy foods should be included in the diet, and meals should be balanced. When we eliminate harmful foods from the diet and accustom the body to foods that have the greatest nutritional value, we solve many health problems and restore health. Maintaining a balanced diet not only affects the digestion of food, but also eliminates the side effects that cause stomach upset.

source: webmd

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Human digestive system – How it works! (Animation)