Hepatitis D - Cause, Symptoms and Treatment

Hepatitis D – Cause, Symptoms and Treatment

Hepatitis D is the cause

Hepatitis is another name for inflammation of the liver which if not treated in time can turn into a dangerous condition and lead to large and permanent damage to the liver. Hepatitis is caused by various elements, such as viruses, immune system disorders and toxins, and thus hepatitis is divided. Toxins that can cause hepatitis are alcohol, painkillers, prescription drugs, herbs and other supplements, and the chemical industries you are exposed to because of work. Viral hepatitis is caused by the viruses hepatitis A, B, C, and hepatitis D and E. Hepatitis D can only occur in people who already have the hepatitis B virus. This virus can only be transmitted through infected blood, and in rare cases from mother to child if the mother is a carrier of the virus. The virus can be prevented by getting vaccinated against hepatitis B if you have not already and by avoiding using items from an infected person that may come in contact with blood.

Hepatitis D - Cause, Symptoms and Treatment
Hepatitis D (source: Pinterest)

Hepatitis D – symptoms

Hepatitis D belongs to the category of incomplete viruses, because unlike hepatitis B, it does not have a coating and only gets it when it comes in contact with the B virus and thus becomes a complete virus that can now cause liver damage in humans. It can only be transmitted through blood, that is, either through the transfusion of the blood of an infected person and through the insertion of non-sterile drug needles. After a person is infected with hepatitis D or hepatitis B, he can get mild but also very severe inflammation, and thus get the same symptoms as hepatitis B. If it is mild inflammation, then the symptoms are fatigue, muscle and joint pain. , mild fever, pain below the right ribs, loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting, jaundice, yellow sclera and dark urine. If hepatitis D and B has turned into more severe inflammation then you may experience liver failure, bleeding, heart and lung complications and bacterial infections, and cirrhosis of the liver and liver cancer.

Hepatitis D – treatment

There are various therapies and medications that can help alleviate the virus hepatitis D and other viruses from the same category, but currently there is no effective antiviral therapy in the world that can completely remove the virus from the body. Often because of this, many people have to be on lifelong therapy to prevent further virus progression and not go into a worse stage. Also, people who have hepatitis D need to change their lifestyle habits and style to maintain liver health. These include switching to a liver diet, stopping consuming alcohol, cigarettes, fizzy drinks and fast food, reducing the proportion of unhealthy fats and increasing water intake. Medications that can help improve and reduce the symptoms of hepatitis D are interferon, which can help but cannot completely eliminate the virus from the body, but it depends on what stage of the virus you have and how far it has come. This medicine is given by injection into the subcutaneous part of the adipose tissue, and is taken mainly over a period of 48 weeks, but this all depends on what your doctor recommends.

What are the symptoms of Hepatitis D?

  • yellowing of the skin and eyes, which is called jaundice
  • joint pain
  • abdominal pain
  • vomiting
  • loss of appetite
  • dark urine
  • fatigue
source:  healthline
More Health news: Hepatitis C – cause, symptoms and treatment

Hepatitis B and hepatitis D virus- causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, pathology
