How to darken hair

How to darken hair

How to darken hair offers many options

Hair is one of the first things we notice on others and hair related trends often change. In addition to popular hairstyles, what changes quite often is hair color. For a long time, light hair colors were very popular, but lately, darker hair is becoming more popular. It does not matter if you have naturally lighter hair or you have been lightening your hair for a long time, how to darken your hair is good to know in which ways it is possible to do so.

How to darken hair it is a less invasive process than hair lightening and can be easily done from your own home or by going to the hairdresser. Hair is easiest to darken with various preparations and specially designed products such as permanent hair dyes, hair toppings that are washed off after a certain amount of hair washing, but there are also products that are considered less harmful to hair such as henna . Of course, these are not the only ways and we will write about them later in the text.

How to darken hair with permanent and similar colors

How to darken your hair is probably easiest by going to the hairdresser. Hairdressers are educated people who know how to combine colors to get the shade you want. How to darken hair it is also possible from home if you bought a hair dye, but by buying a ready-made hair dye you cannot influence the shade you would like. Henna is also very popular in some circles and can be easily purchased at a better equipped drugstore.

How to darken hair
How to darken hair (source: Pinterest)


These ways of darkening hair are long-lasting, but with longer hair washing, it will still become a little lighter. If you want a darker shade of hair, but you are not the type for longer-lasting changes, there are various hair toppings that are applied similarly to permanent colors, but unlike them, they are completely washed off after a certain number of hair washes and your hair returns in less more original condition. If you are not a fan of artificial colors, and you want a darker shade of hair, there are natural ingredients that can darken your hair.

How to darken hair naturally

Some people avoid the use of various ready-made cosmetics and similar preparations and prefer as many natural preparations and ingredients as possible. How to darken hair naturally  that can be prepared at home. How to darken hair is possible with natural ingredients and preparations, but it takes some patience because these products do not work immediately.

Black tea is popular when it comes to darkening hair naturally. It is applied to the hair about 15 minutes before showering, and the procedure should be repeated for several weeks, when changes in hair color begin to occur. Sage tea is also very popular with those who want to darken their hair and is applied similarly to black tea. Coffee is probably the fastest of the natural ways to darken hair, and most people probably have it in their kitchen. Make strong coffee, wash your hair and then apply the coffee and let it stand. Then rinse your hair and repeat the process for a few days for the desired result.  

10 Natural Ways to Dye & Color Your Hair without Chemicals

  1. Using Coffee to Color and Cover Gray Hairs
  2. Darker Hair Color with Black Tea
  3. Herbal Hair Dye Ingredients
  4. Dying Hair with Beet and Carrot Juice for Red Tints Color
  5. Dying Hair with Henna Powder
  6. Lighten Hair Color with Lemon Juice
  7. How to Use Walnut Shells for Hair Dye
  8. Darker Hair Color with Sage
  9. Darker Hair Color with Rosemary
  10. Darker Hair Color with Indigo

source: annmariegianni

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