How to heat wax for depilation

How to heat wax for depilation

How to heat wax for depilation and at what temperature

Depilatory wax comes in briquettes, lumps, tiles or granules, and for all these forms the rate of dissolution is different, depending on the method of melting. How to heat wax for depilation and at what temperature, the manufacturers recommend a special device that also has a thermometer on it because no matter what shape your wax is in, you need to melt it to a temperature of 50 to 60 degrees. Granules dissolve the fastest, and other shapes by the size of individual pieces.

If you do not have a special device for dissolving wax, there are other ways to heat the wax for depilation, over low heat, immersed in a water bath container with wax heats well and evenly, but you must mix the wax, preferably with a spatula that shows the temperature. This is a good method because even when you start waxing, the container with wax in the water bath cools more slowly, so you can do the waxing process to the end without reheating the wax, because of possible burns, it is important to keep the optimum temperature.

How to heat wax for depilation, whether you can use a microwave

The microwave oven has become a mandatory device in equipping all modern kitchens and greatly facilitates the life of modern working women and men. It is natural to ask how to heat wax for depilation, whether you can use a microwave, because it is the fastest heating and yes, you can do it in a microwave. The wax jar must be open, turn on the microwave for 1 to 2 minutes, but interrupt the heating process by opening the door to lower the temperature, as the wax must never boil.

How to heat wax for depilation
How to heat wax for depilation (source: Pinterest)


The same applies to heating in a water bath, it must be gradual and the wax must not boil, so put the container with the wax in cold water and heat it gradually over low heat. How to heat wax for depilation you have learned, but still check the temperature before applying hot wax to the skin and a spatula with thermal markings is ideal for this. You mix the wax with it while it heats up, you apply the wax to the skin with it, it shows you when the heat of the wax falls below the useful and usable level.

How to heat wax for depilation, apply it to the hair or down the hair

The popular saying “you go through his hair” means you please him, because you want to flatter him. The same rule applies to waxing, you want it to be as uncomfortable and painful as possible and as effective as possible. How to heat wax for depilation, apply it to the hair or down the hair, many do all the pre-work properly and well, washed and dried skin is waiting for wax that is at the optimum temperature, and then confusedly ask in which direction to apply it. Apply it in the direction of hair growth, ie down the hair.

How to heat wax for depilation, never apply wax on too short or too long hair because you will not be satisfied with the result. Allow too short hair to grow a little more, but shorten too long hair first. If the wax on your skin gets too cold because you are slow, heat it with a hair dryer. Pull the adhesive tape over the wax abruptly and quickly in the opposite direction from the hair growth, ie along the hair. With an oiled cloth, remove the remnants of wax and smear the depilated area with cream.

source: wikihow

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