Myths about how to increase muscle mass in women
The increase in muscle mass is most often attributed to the motive that interests men the most. That should not be the case at all. Namely, increasing muscle mass leads to a healthier body, enables better prevention of injuries, higher calorie consumption, and these goals should be of interest not only to men but also to women. Likewise, women and men often know to mistakenly believe that if a woman starts doing strength exercises, she will turn into those women who compete in bodybuilding, i.e. they will be overly muscular and unfeminine.
That is a completely wrong approach. Namely, such women who are most often cited as a “negative example” in addition to the exceptional genetic basis for the development of such a body are also often on steroids that allow them to develop so much muscle mass. Therefore, if you are wondering how to gain muscle mass in women, you do not need the first association to be so negative, because 99% of women will not look like that if they start training. We will explain to you below how to increase muscle mass in women
Here’s how to increase muscle mass in women through diet
In the previous chapter we explained that to ask how to build muscle mass in women not bad at all, but rather desirable. We’ve outlined a number of benefits like strengthening bones, preventing injuries, and increasing calorie expenditure. Below we will explain how to increase muscle mass in women. First, you need to increase your calorie intake.
To accomplish this, you must first calculate what your average daily calorie expenditure is with which you maintain your weight. You will do this by “counting calories”. You can use popular applications that make it much easier. Without a calorie surplus you will certainly not be able to gain muscle mass so this is the first and most important prerequisite. Your goal is to increase your calorie intake by 300-500 calories more than your average daily intake. To succeed in this, you need to break down the food into smaller meals. In doing so, make sure you get enough carbohydrates as this macronutrient is the main source of energy in the body.
Here’s how to increase muscle mass in women through exercise
In the previous chapter, we explained that the main prerequisite for increasing muscle mass in women is calorie surplus. If you have met this criterion, we can proceed with the second most important prerequisite, and that is exercises to build muscle mass. Because women have significantly less testosterone than men, it will be harder for them to build muscle mass. However, women can also succeed in that. Here how to increase muscle mass in women through exercise.
As with men, the same advice applies to women, and that is that multi-joint exercises such as deadlifts, squats, shoulder push-ups, bench push-ups and rowing are most beneficial to you. Weightlifting, push-ups and push-ups and abdominal exercises should also be incorporated into the workout, although some of them are technically more demanding exercises so you will probably want to consult a trainer. Lastly, remember that if you like running and doing cardio, you should never stop doing it because this form of exercise is very important for your health!
List of high-fiber vegetables for your diet
- Broccoli
- Broccolini
- Cauliflower
- Spinach
- Kale
- Spaghetti squash[11]
- Brussels sprouts
- Zucchini
- Cucumber
- Carrots
- Onion
- Asparagus
source: nerdfitness
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