How to make a will

How to make a will

Do you know that a valid will is stronger than the law of inheritance, how to make a will

If you want your heirs to drag themselves around the courts for years fighting for your property after your death, write a will in time, if you change your mind, you can always revoke it and write a new one. If you know that a valid will is stronger than the law of inheritance, how to make a will, make it so that it is a written form of your will on the distribution of your property after death. If there is no will, your property is inherited by your legal heirs by inheritance, and this often quarrels with entire families.

How to make a will, you can do it yourself, but keep it detailed and be sure to enter the date you wrote it. At the probate hearing, such a private will is taken as a valid document for the distribution of inheritance. The will must contain the heirs by name with their OIB, and you must state the cadastral parcels and other details of everything you leave to each heir. The will may be written in printed or written handwriting, but the signature must be in written letters and not have to be notarized.

A will with witnesses is also a private will, how to make a will

A printed will is chosen by people who are sober but for some reason prevented from writing, but such a will needs to be signed by two witnesses and must be notarized. A will with witnesses is also a private will, how to make a will, witnesses must be of legal age and literate and must not be deprived of their ability to work, and such a will may also be drawn up and kept at home or entrusted to a lawyer or stored in court.

How to make a will
How to make a will (source: Pinterest)


How to draw up a will that is legally treated as a public will. A public will is always drawn up by a municipal judge, a consular post if you are a foreigner or in a foreign country, and it can also be drawn up and certified by a notary public. You can also keep this type of will at home, entrust it to a trusted person, a lawyer or a notary public, you decide for yourself. In any case, the public will should be submitted to a notary public who will conduct the probate proceedings after the death of the testator.

What is an oral will and how to make a will

In extraordinary circumstances, an oral will presented to two adult and written witnesses is also taken into account. What is an oral will and how to make a will, in extraordinary circumstances, flood, earthquake, accident with uncertain outcome, oral statement on distribution of inheritance given in front of at least two witnesses is valid, but the validity of the oral will is legally limited to 30 days from the cessation of extraordinary circumstances that led to such oral statement about inheritance, thus abuses are avoided.

The procedure of inheritance is conducted by a notary public and the procedure itself is called probate procedure. If you do not know how to draw up a will, do it with a notary public who will refer you and help you, and immediately certify the written will and of course, you can immediately store the will in the notary office if you want, so your last will to distribute your property in a safe place, because wills kept in the house know and disappear, and are often falsified. 

How to make a will in 10 steps

  1. Decide which type of will you need
  2. Decide what assets to include in your will
  3. Choose who will receive your assets
  4. Choose your will executor
  5. Choose guardians for your minor children
  6. Make a donation to charity
  7. Sign your will in front of witnesses to make it legally valid
  8. Store your will in a safe place
  9. Tell your executor and loved ones where your will documents are and how to access them
  10. Update your will whenever you have a big life change

source:  freewill

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