How to recognize panic attacks

How to recognize panic attacks

How to recognize panic attacks

We can all find ourselves in a situation where we don’t feel most comfortable and would rather be somewhere else. But it is a typical thing that can happen to any of us. But there are people for whom it is not just a passing discomfort or a slight fear that we can feel in some situations.

It is a state of both mind and body that turns into a panic attack and we start to have that one disturbing feeling that can cause more serious symptoms like chest pain and tightness where you think you have a heart attack, although checking your doctor will tell you it is not, than that it was a panic attack. Many are wondering why how to recognize panic attacks and distinguish it from for example a heart attack. We will therefore bring you through this article all the necessary information so that you can recognize panic attacks and know what to do in such cases if you or someone else experiences a panic attack.

How to recognize when you have panic attacks 

Before we tell you what to do if you see that you or someone close to you or even a stranger is experiencing a panic attack, we will first tell you how to recognize panic attacks. There are certain symptoms of a panic attack by which you can distinguish them from some other conditions such as a heart attack that has similar symptoms as a panic attack.

How to recognize panic attacks
How to recognize panic attacks (source: Pinterest)


First of all, how to recognize panic attacks is that you start to have a very intense feeling of either fear or discomfort that stretches for 10 minutes and reaches its peak and you start to breathe hard and feel pain and tightness in your chest. At that point, you begin to fear death and that you will completely lose control or that you will completely lose your mind and go crazy. Some people know to have extreme panic attacks and end up in the emergency room because they think they are having a heart attack. Mostly the panic attack subsides in just an hour and then the whole situation calms down.

Learn how to recognize panic attacks symptoms

We will now bring you some more information about that how to recognize panic attacks and what are the symptoms of a panic attack. Some of the symptoms that are characterized by a panic attack are that you start to feel numb or tingling, nausea, dizziness, shivering, start sweating, feel cold or hot, and your heart starts beating fast. Then there is a feeling of severe pain in the chest and intestines. You find it hard to start breathing because your nasal passages are narrowing and therefore breathing is difficult, you are actually fighting for air. And finally, in your mind you feel like you are detaching yourself from your body and looking at yourself from a height.

So it is no wonder that some think this is their final end. This way you can easily recognize panic attacks on yourself and others. It is important that you understand what is happening in time and have an immediate reaction. In such situations, it is important to be safe, have someone with you and wait for the attack to pass. As for how to get rid of it, it’s a harder job and it takes time. Some say you need to deal with awkward situations gradually and teach your mind that not everything is so terrible.

Panic attacks Top 10 signs or symptoms: 

  1. Sense of impending doom or danger
  2. Fear of loss of control or death
  3. Rapid, pounding heart rate
  4. Sweating
  5. Feelings as if things are unreal
  6. Trembling or shaking
  7. Shortness of breath or tightness in your throat
  8. Chills
  9. Hot flashes
  10. Fear of going crazy

How to stop a panic attack

  1. Remember that it will pass
  2. Take deep breaths
  3. Picture your happy place
  4. Smell some lavender
  5. Find a peaceful spot
  6. Focus on an object
  7. The 5-4-3-2-1 method
  8. Walk or do some light exercise
  9. Tell someone
  10. Learn your triggers

source: mayoclinic

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