Jamf Daemon on Mac, How to uninstall it

Here is what I did to remove/uninstall Jamf Daemon from the Mac. My Macbook pro starts to overheat after only five minutes of any work, so I did a little digging. Of course, I Google-searched for a solution.

First I tried to establish what is taking my Mac CPU usage and I find-out in Activity Monitor that the Jamf Daemon was responsible for the high CPU usage, and unfortunately I could not kill this process. To find Activity Monitor on a Mac, go to your Applications folder > Utilities folder, and then double-click the Activity Monitor icon.

Activity Monitor in Finder on a Mac (Photo by AZ World News)
Activity Monitor in Finder on a Mac (Photo by AZ World News)

After more digging, I found you can uninstall/remove Jamf Daemon using Mac’s Terminal application. To find Terminal application on a Mac, go to your Applications folder > Utilities folder, and then double-click the Terminal icon.

Terminal application in Finder on a Mac (Photo by AZ World News)
Terminal application in Finder on a Mac (Photo by AZ World News)

How to remove Jamf Daemon on Mac

To remove all Jamf-related components run the following command on the Terminal application: Be sure to backup your computer with Time Machine before these steps below:

1. First, Change to “bin” directory/folder on your Terminal by typing

2. CD /usr/local/bin/

3. Once you are in the “bin” directory. Then type in:

4. sudo jamf removeFramework

5. Enter

Or change to this “sbin” directory/folder, if the first didn’t work, and do the same as above

1. First, Change to “sbin” directory/folder on your Terminal by typing

2. CD /usr/sbin/

3. Once you are in the “bin” directory. Then type in:

4. sudo jamf removeFramework

5. Enter

Double-check in Activity Monitor to see if you were able to remove Jamf Daemon.

It worked for me!

If you have this issue “Removing Jamf didn’t remove MDM profile” go HERE for a solution

How to Completely Uninstall an App on Mac

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