Magnesium - when to take it and how it affects the body

Magnesium: when to take it and how it affects the body

Magnesium benefits

Magnesium has always been known as a major “anti-stress” mineral that has attracted increasing attention in recent years. It is certainly one of the most important minerals in our body. In order to know how to take advantage of all its benefits and benefits that it has for our health, it is important to know how to take it properly so that the body can better absorb it. What is magnesium and how does it affect our health?

As one of the major minerals in our body it is involved in more than 300 enzymatic processes that are responsible for regulating most of our bodily functions. Today, this mineral is known for the following reasons: Contributes to reducing exhaustion and fatigue, contributes to better functioning of the nervous system and muscles, contributes to electrolyte balance and improves energy levels, contributes to maintaining healthy teeth and bones, plays a major role in protein synthesis and cell division.  Benefits of taking magnesium at night it helps you sleep better.​

Magnesium deficiency is common in many, and it is responsible for the most modern way of life. Coffee, alcohol, excessive sweating, certain medications, chronic stress, excessive salt intake cause its deficiency in our body. Symptoms of magnesium deficiency can be noticed by: Weakness, muscle cramps, headache, nausea and fatigue.

Magnesium - when to take it and how it affects the body
Magnesium, the benefits (source: Pinterest)

Magnesium, how and when to take it

We can get this mineral through foods or capsules that we can buy in any pharmacy or drugstore. By ingesting water, we are already ingesting approximately 10% of the total amount of magnesium we need. The richness of magnesium itself can be found in foods such as green vegetables and spinach, nuts and seeds, unprocessed grains.

Smaller amounts of magnesium can be found in legumes, fruits, meat and fish. Due to lack of time, many people today decide to take magnesium in the form of citrate, gluconate or lactate. You can find these products in any pharmacy or drugstore. When and how to drink magnesium? Opinions and experiences are different, but the most important thing is to take it every day and stick to a certain schedule.

Long-term intake of magnesium as a dietary supplement is safe, but it is important to pay attention to possible side effects. The recommended daily doses depend on age and gender, but two capsules are usually taken, one in the morning and one in the evening. Since magnesium is a friend in muscle relaxation it is best to take it before dinner or bedtime.

Due to the laxative nature of this mineral, its consumption is recommended with food, more precisely before meals. You can also drink it on an empty stomach or during a meal, but then you can expect diarrhea as a side effect. The most well-known form of taking magnesium is in capsules, they are swallowed quickly and do not require increased water consumption.

Magnesium deficiency and replacement

Numerous studies show that magnesium deficiency is becoming more common in the global population. Magnesium is thus minimally ingested through the diet, especially if we eat in a typically Western way where there is a reduced intake of fruits and vegetables. Early signs of magnesium deficiency in the body can be: Anxiety, weakness, depression, irritability, headache, nausea, insomnia, loss of appetite.

Greater magnesium deficiency is mostly shown in muscle work, frequent cramps and tremors appear in the legs and facial muscles. It is important to emphasize that magnesium deficiency can have a detrimental effect on our cardiovascular system. How to make up magnesium in the body? Magnesium preparations are today a practical way how we can provide a sufficient amount of said mineral.

Today, this mineral can be found in the form of capsules or tablets, effervescent tablets, granules, it can also be found in various waters. The recommended daily dose is 375 mg of magnesium per day, but before daily consumption it is important to consult your doctor or pharmacist to avoid certain side effects.

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source: healthline

Magnesium Benefits | Should We Use A Supplement?

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