Nettle tea - preparation, healing properties, side effects

Nettle tea preparation, healing properties, side effects

Nettle tea and its medicinal properties

Nettle tea is not found in every kitchen cabinet or kitchen, but it definitely should. If you have not tried the above tea, you should definitely because of its healing properties that have been known since ancient times. Nettle can be found almost everywhere today, but if you decide to pick and dry nettle for tea yourself, then it is definitely recommended that you pick it in clean places like the forest. What does this tea cure?

First, it is important to emphasize that nettle tea has been used for centuries as a medicine in alternative medicine. Nettle itself is an excellent source of nutrient compounds, especially vitamins A, K and B6. It is a good source of calcium, iron and manganese and only one cup contains less than 40 calories. Health research has shown that nettle has an excellent effect on the health of the whole organism.

Why drink this tea? It strengthens the entire immune system, relieves arthritis symptoms, stimulates uric acid secretion, stimulates the adrenal glands, regulates blood sugar levels, relieves menopausal symptoms in women, relieves bloating, regulates blood pressure, regulates kidney function, stimulates kidney function, reduces asthma symptoms, relieves asthma symptoms relieves colds, reduces the risk of gum disease, relieves nausea and symptoms of digestive diseases.

Nettle tea - preparation, healing properties, side effects
Nettle tea preparation, healing properties, side effects (source: Pinterest)

Nettle tea preparation and consumption

The best way to make nettle tea is definitely from fresh leaves. Simply remove the nettle leaves, leave them to stand for two days and then cook them in boiling water for a few minutes. Cover the tea with a lid and allow it to cool slightly before consumption. You can also dry the nettle and put it in a well-dried jar, or you can buy it in organic stores where the preparation is listed on the package.

When you want to make tea from dried nettle leaves, you need to boil 0.5 liters of water in which you will put two teaspoons of dried nettle and cook for a few minutes until the water takes on color. Nettle tea you can drink as desired sweetened with honey and lemon or without. The recommended daily dose is three cups a day, 2 dcl cups. Nettle tea can be drunk in the morning, afternoon and evening. Nettle is considered one of the best plants for our health, which it shows with its many medicinal properties.

Nettle tea side effects

If you have certain health problems then it is advisable to consult a doctor before deciding to consume nettle tea. The first thing to know is that nettle tea is not recommended for people who use blood thinners. Nettle in combination with drugs that lower blood pressure can cause negative side effects. In combination with antidepressants it can lead to dehydration.

A cup of nettle tea can also lower your sugar to a critical level if you are on diabetes medications. However, today’s scientific research has shown that the side effects of consuming nettle tea are very rare, if they occur in the form of: Allergic reactions, mild stomach pain, mild skin rash.

Because nettle tea has a positive effect on our urinary tract, its consumption is not recommended for people with damaged kidneys or any complications in the urinary tract. If you decide to consume this tea on a daily basis, then it is important to increase the intake of foods rich in potassium, because due to increased urination, it is deficient in the body.

The Health Benefits of Nettle Tea

1. Urinary tract health
2. Arthritis and pain
3. Blood sugar management
4. The power of polyphenols


source: healthline

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