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REBOOT (2022, USA) – 6.5/10

In recent years, I have been extremely careful when it comes to comedy series and “humorous” series. By quotation marks, I mean those that are nominally humorous and it is assumed that they should be, if not funny, witty, then at least satirical, clever and venomous, but it usually happens that all these shouted content are so witless and cause complete embarrassment as it is wretched and miserable. Unfortunately, it turned out that “Reboot” is more of a comedy series with quotes than a comedy series that will make you laugh, although the idea is definitely not bad and the beginning is promising.

As today we live in a time when it seems that only something is recycled and that new ideas do not exist, so Steven Levitan, one of the creators of the popular series “Modern Family” (which also never sat well with me) came up with the idea that could film a series about the reboot of a fictional sitcom from fifteen years ago. And “Step Right Up,” the show that once made Reed (Keegan Michael Kay), Clay (Johnny Knoxville), Bree (Judy Greer) and Zack (Calum Worthy) famous, seems to be one of those typical cheesy sugary sitcoms like “Full house” as used to be stamped on wagons. All these actors who were once stars have meanwhile sunk into complete oblivion and all of them will enthusiastically accept the idea of ​​rebooting the series, which came up with the young indie screenwriter Hannah (Rachel Bloom), who plans to modernize and adapt the old and worn material for the new streaming generations .

And her pitching of ideas to the streaming platform that sounds almost crazy and absurd like the ideas that Larry David constantly pitches in his genius series “Curb Your Enthusiasm” will surprisingly pass. Filming of the reboot will begin, but the first problems will arise when the creator of the original series, Gordon (Paul Reiser), who is also Hanna’s father, is added to the script team. Although “Reboot” will even get off to a solid start, as a fine satire on the current TV, media, film and the whole business that has turned into a huge corporate business run not by creative people with ideas, but by data researchers, algorithms, some idiotic analyses, quickly it’s going to turn into one of those generic, sugary “humorous” series it’s trying to parody.