snoring breathing disorder

Sleep apnea or Snoring treatment, symptom, causes

When snoring is discussed in the general population it is usually in a frivolous context. But from a medical point of view, snoring is a very serious health and social problem that certainly requires much more attention than is given to it. Snoring, or sleep-disordered breathing, is actually a symptom, a sign that may indicate some health problems in people who snore. It can often be associated with some other ailments that together make up a group of symptoms called a syndrome.

In medical terminology, such a sleep-disordered breathing disorder and sleep disorder is called Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome (OSAS). In ordinary words, this phrase can be interpreted as an obstructive airway disorder during sleep followed by episodes of cessation of breathing. But not only is the problem that such a condition exists in some people but the bigger problem is that such a condition can have a big impact on that person’s health. Thus, a number of diseases are known that can occur as a result of long-term sleep and snoring disorders, or poor breathing during sleep. In most cases, men have problems with snoring, but women also have this problem. The person who snores is often not the first to ask for help, but the people they live with. A man who snores at night has a hard time deciding to seek medical help unless the causes but also the consequences of that snoring interfere with his daily activities.

Snoring causes?

Snoring occurs due to moderate or severe obstruction of the upper respiratory tract in the area of ​​the nose, oral cavity, pharynx or larynx, the causes of which can be different. It is these causes, together with a drop in the tension of the muscles of the pharyngeal wall and the appearance of negative pressure in the airway, that can lead to snoring. Because the airway is narrowed and the amount of inhaled air is large, the walls of the airway vibrate and different sounds are generated.

Snoring breathing disorder
Sleep apnea breathing disorder (source: Pinterest)


Snoring problems are most common in people who are overweight, especially those with short and thick necks. These are often people who drink large amounts of alcohol, take sedatives or are smokers. And some hormonal disorders can lead to such problems. In rare cases, snoring also occurs as a result of some neurological diseases and brain damage.

Nasal breathing difficulties can be one of the most common causes of snoring, especially if there is a deviation of the nasal septum or diseases of the nasal mucosa such as chronic inflammatory changes, allergies, polyps, etc. The next cause of snoring may be a disorder of the lower jaw lower jaw or displacement of the lower jaw backwards, then disorders in tooth growth or large tongue. A thickened soft palate and a long pharyngeal villi as well as a congenitally narrowed pharynx, whether height, width or depth of the pharynx, as well as some other deformities in the region, can lead to snoring.

In children, snoring is usually associated with enlargement of the third tonsil or palatine tonsils, ie lymph tissue hypertrophy, and is rarely present in congenital malformations such as narrow nasal cavity, narrow posterior nasal opening, narrowed throat, congenital malformations and laryngeal disease.

As we have already mentioned, snoring is often associated with other ailments, and all of them together form a complex picture of sleep disorders (OSAS). What should be mentioned in the first place is that people who snore during sleep have several episodes of cessation of breathing. In medical terminology, this condition is called apnea. It usually lasts 10 to 60 seconds, but in extreme situations it can last up to two minutes. If such episodes are longer and more numerous, the disorder will be more severe as well as its consequences.

In a dream, such people usually have uncontrolled movements of the arms and legs, often fall out of bed, have a feeling of suffocation. Also, they are often sleepy during the day, which means they feel tired and happen to fall asleep in a sitting position. Over time, the problems turn into insomnia. It is also associated with impaired memory or loss of concentration, which can significantly reduce intellectual functions. Some research states that such people have more frequent car accidents. Over time, there may be changes in mental states (depressed moods), but also changes in personality.

Morning headaches in such people are also not uncommon. It has been described that such problems can lead to reduced potency and even nocturnal urination. In addition, people who snore usually have their mouths constantly open, which dries out the mucous membranes of the mouth and throat, so they often complain of dryness and burning in the throat. Therefore, they are more prone to pharyngitis. Long-term described sleep problems lead to reduced oxygen supply and carbon dioxide accumulation, which over time leads to some disorders in the body and can lead to high blood pressure, pulmonary hypertension, right heart failure, heart rhythm disorders, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, etc. .

Given these difficulties and possible consequences, any person with these problems should undergo diagnostic processing in order to apply therapy in a timely manner. Today, numerous diagnostic tests are used in the diagnosis of this complex sleep disorder. The most important thing is to do an otorhinolaryngological examination with endoscopic methods, and then, after inspecting the condition of the upper respiratory tract, do another very important examination, polysomnography, which is performed during sleep, and gives us insight into the number and length of episodes of sleep apnea. In addition to these tests, and depending on their findings, other more sophisticated methods are used. Once the true cause of the problem is diagnosed, the patient can access therapy.

Snoring Treatment

Treatment of snoring and obstructive sleep anpea syndrome in the world and in our country, is achieved by a variety of therapeutic methods. Basic methods of treatment are divided into surgical and non-surgical. In the world, great importance is attached to these disorders, especially when it comes to conservative, non-surgical methods. Thus, there are a number of medical devices applied to the nose, mouth or head, such as tongue holders, dental splints, masks to support the lower jaw, the application of constant or intermittent positive nasal pressure, maintaining patency of the upper respiratory tract.

The most important thing to do is to lose weight and stop drinking large amounts of alcohol. Hormone therapy, if necessary, is also used to treat this syndrome. Of the surgical methods, there are surgical procedures that can be performed in the head and neck area. These methods can be variously successful, but they can help with certain, very severe disorders.

Snoring is a health problem, but it can also be social. People who snore often have problems with the environment, or the environment with them, to the extent that sometimes married couples separate and sleep in separate rooms, because waking up at night exhausts not only the person who snores but also the one who sleeps near her.

Finally, it should be reiterated that long-term problems with snoring and other ailments related to sleep disorders should not be ignored due to poor health effects and that such persons should definitely seek the examination and advice of an otorhinolaryngologist. Only in this way can they start appropriate therapy that would help themselves, but also make life and sleep much easier for the people they live with.

source: clevelandclinic

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Sleep apnea – causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, pathology