Spinal lordosis - cause, symptoms and treatment

Spinal lordosis cause, symptoms and treatment

What is lordosis and what are the causes

Lordosis is a curvature of the spine and can occur in the lower back, lumbar, and in the cervical spine cervical deformity of the spine. Also, the main causes are genetic or congenital, but also acquired through poor posture or external influences and their effects.

Lumbar spinal deformity occurs in chronic low back pain, sciatica, but also ankylosing spondylitis. While cervical spine deformities occur in children in the first year of life or later in people with professional work and poor posture. These deformities are often accompanied by pain that can be acute or chronic.

Lordoza it can also occur due to improper posture while sitting, because proper sitting is with the spine straight and the legs must not be crossed, and it can also occur due to continuous wearing of high heels that push the pelvis back and forth and thus lead to deformities in the lower spine. Regular physical activity can prevent spinal deformities, and it is best to practice swimming during which all the muscles in the body are in motion.

Spinal lordosis - cause, symptoms and treatment
Spinal lordosis cause, symptoms and treatment (source: Pinterest)

Lordosis symptoms

Symptoms that indicate lordosis are certainly pain in the lower back or part of the cervical spine. There may be tingling and numbness in the limbs, as well as muscle cramps along the spine or inflammation of the nerves. The pain that occurs can be acute or chronic that lasts for a long time and does not stop.

In addition to these classic symptoms, there may be problems with urination and with the bladder, as well as problems with digestion and intestines due to pressure on the bladder or intestines and digestive system. People who have a diagnosis lordosis they have a visible arch in the lower part of the spine along the bulging abdomen and the buttocks are protruding. Also in cervical lordosis the back position is hunchbacked and the head is tilted forward.

Flat feet are also a symptom that indicates a possible deformity of the spine or a deformity that will only develop due to improper posture. Therefore, at school age and earlier, great attention is paid to pediatric examinations of the position of the spine and check whether the child has flat feet.

Lordosis treatment

Lordosis can cause complications in the elderly and obese, and in people with osteoporosis. Any untreated lordosis will cause additional problems with the spine, limbs, hips, and internal organs due to pressure on them. It can also affect blood flow to the brain and thus lead to dizziness, headaches, tinnitus, confusion and general confusion due to lack of enough oxygen in the brain.

The treatment initially treats the pain to reduce it, after which it will be oriented towards exercise through physical therapy, using yoga, swimming, in children who are still developing dentures. Spinal surgery is always the last option because any surgery is risky and can lead to injury during surgery and cause an even worse condition than before surgery.

Therefore, it is extremely important to exercise properly when a spinal deformity occurs and thus strengthen the muscles that surround the spine, because it is very important that the muscles are strong and healthy and that they can support the spine. Stretching, proper exercise, physical therapy, swimming and yoga are certainly less invasive methods than surgery.

source: healthline

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Lordosis | Overview, Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, Prevention And Diagnosis | All in 2 min