Twitter launched its Clubhouse rival in late 2020, called Spaces, and has since grown rapidly with new users and a host of new features. The platform recorded and stored previous spaces for up to 30 days, but never allowed users to replay them. The feature has been tested on iOS, and is now officially available on Android and is available to all users.
Twitter support has announced a new feature in the tweet, mentioning that the host recording option is now available to everyone on Android and iOS. When you start a space, tap the “Capture space” button to make it available for public playback 30 days after the space ends. “
Since Twitter has allowed all users to host their spaces on Android and iOS, the platform has become more popular and users are using it more than ever before. Although hosting is still a vague topic when it comes to desktop and web users, many will be glad to know that hosts can now record their spaces, which will be able to be reproduced again for up to 30 days. If you have ever missed an important space, you will be able to listen to it again when you have time.
When Space is live and recorded, a visual indicator will be displayed in the upper left corner so that the user knows that his voice will be recorded and available for playback if he requests a conversation. For now, this feature is only available on Android and iOS, and users can still just join and listen to Spaces on the web, writes Pocketweb.
source: pocketweb
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