Vesicoureteral reflux - cause, symptoms, treatment

Vesicoureteral reflux – cause, symptoms, treatment

Vesicoureteral reflux in children

Urinary tract infection is a very common condition, which can often be an indicator of another problem. Because urinary tract infection shows rather subtle symptoms, it is in many cases associated with a more complex urological condition that requires evaluation by a pediatric urologist, such as vesicoureteral reflux. This health problem is associated with changes in some structures of the urinary system, which may be congenital, but in most cases the main cause is a urinary tract infection. Vesicoureteral reflux is the most common urinary problem in children.

This is a condition in which urine from the bladder is returned to the ureters, the tubes that carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder. The reverse flow of urine affects the multiplication of bacteria in the urinary system, and only the recurrence of infections is harmful to the child. It is very often diagnosed in the first year of life, which causes a recurrence of the infection. The inflammatory reaction develops serious changes in the kidneys, which jeopardizes their function. Depending on the diagnosis and degree, the best treatment for the child is determined.

Vesicoureteral reflux, cause and main symptoms

The urinary system includes the kidneys, urethra, bladder, and urethra. The kidneys are responsible for filtering water and other elements that make up urine, passing through the urethra to the bladder where it is located until they are eliminated from the body through the urethra. Back urine has bacteria that cause urinary tract infections. In young children, symptoms include fever, diarrhea, irritability, and loss of appetite. In the elderly, vesicoureteral reflux leads to high blood pressure, constipation, proteinuria, and renal failure.

While boys are more likely to be affected by primary vesicoureteral reflux, secondary reflux is twice as likely in girls. What are the causes of vesicoureteral reflux? Primary vesicoureteral reflux occurs in parents, indicating a genetic predisposition, although the exact cause has not yet been determined. Vesicoureteral reflux varies from mild to severe where renal damage is present. The cause of secondary vesicoureteral reflux is urinary tract obstruction caused by infections. When a child is diagnosed with this condition, the doctor will indicate which degree is present, based on which treatment is given.

Vesicoureteral reflux, treatment

According to statistics, 15% of adolescents have chronic renal failure caused by vesicoureteral reflux, which is not diagnosed in childhood or is not treated adequately. The symptoms of urinary tract infection in children are often not so clear and often go unnoticed. Parents realize that something is wrong only when the child’s health condition worsens. Therefore, it is important to recognize small changes that ensure the effectiveness of treatment and avoid damage to the urinary system and other complications. For this reason, vesicoureteral reflux as a severe condition requires early detection of symptoms to ensure appropriate treatments.

Treatment of vesicoureteral reflux depends primarily on the severity of the condition. In children with mild symptoms, it passes more easily, while in more severe cases, medications are used depending on the condition. The diagnostic process includes consultation with a pediatric urologist, laboratory, then imaging tests for a safe diagnosis. Because it is vesicoureteral reflux associated with recurrent urinary tract infections, this can lead to severe kidney damage and other severe urinary complications. Diagnosis and appropriate treatment are key to ensuring the proper functioning of the urinary system and the quality of life of the child.

source: mayoclinic

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