Electrolytes - what they are and how they affect the body

What are Electrolytes, Benefits


What are electrolytes

Ions, chemicals that can be positively or negatively charged dissolved in water to give a liquid electricity are called electrolytes. These ions, which can be anions and cations, depending on whether they are positively or negatively charged in the human body, regulate pH and affect the processes that take place in the human body.

Electrolytes they enter the human body through food or drink, and exit the human body through urine, sweat, tears and other body fluids such as vomiting. Electrolyte loss can cause negative symptoms in the human body because many organs and tissues of the human body depend on electrolytes. They are found in all body fluids, from blood, urine and are most commonly controlled in the blood through the amount of sodium, calcium, magnesium, potassium, bicarbonate, phosphate and chlorine.

The ions that are most important for the functioning of the human body are along with sodium ion, potassium, calcium, chloride, magnesium, bicarbonate and phosphate ions. Each of them has an important function for the proper and healthy functioning of the human body.

What are Electrolytes, Benefits
What are Electrolytes, Benefits (source: Pinterest)


Electrolytes and their effect on the human body

Electrolytes in the human body in fluids they regulate the pH value in cells and tissues, and are inevitable for the normal functioning of cells and tissues. They help maintain healthy muscle function and participate in the transmission of nerve impulses throughout the body.

Thus, for example, the sodium ion regulates the salt balance in human cells, while the potassium ion plays a role in the work of muscles, kidneys and nerves, as does the magnesium ion. Calcium ion is involved in the construction of teeth and bones, and phosphate ion acts equally on bones and teeth. The main role for the digestive system is played by the chloride ion, which helps to break down food, while the bicarbonate ion regulates digestion, and both affect the pH value in the body.

In the case of a lack of some of the electrolytes, they need to be compensated so that the human body can function normally, otherwise you may experience problems with pressure or general weakness due to the body. Electrolytes must be replenished so that the human body can function normally and healthily, with normal pH values ​​in human fluids.

Deficiency or elevated electrolytes

If the electrolytes are elevated, it is an excess of calcium, hypercalcemia that occurs due to kidney disease. However, elevated electrolytes can also occur due to excess sodium, hypernatremia that occurs due to thyroid dysfunction. Excess potassium occurs as a result of kidney dysfunction.

But a more common disorder is electrolyte deficiency than electrolyte elevation. Electrolyte deficiency can very easily occur due to increased vomiting, insufficient fluid intake during strenuous physical activity, loss of sweat, or increased urination.

With a lack of electrolytes there is a general weakness, muscle cramps, there is a change in blood pressure, sometimes dizziness, chronic fatigue, the heart can work faster, so it is very important that electrolytes in the body they exist in optimal quantities when electrolyte loss occurs. With the ability to quickly replace electrolytes through supplements, electrolytes can be found in foods such as lemons, pineapples, oranges, watermelons, peaches, strawberries, watermelons, grapes, and vegetables such as kale, cabbage, tomatoes, chard, spinach, peppers and potatoes. Also, milk and dairy products, nuts, seeds, grains, and mineral water, but also coffee and tea are great choices to make up for lost electrolytes.

source: clevelandclinic

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