What is acupuncture and how is it performed

What is acupuncture and how is it performed

What is acupuncture?

We know that human life expectancy is getting longer, in the past people barely lived to be 30, while today we consider these years to be the best years. Today, life expectancy averages 80 years, but many claim that with a healthy and proper lifestyle, it can be even longer. And while we live in better conditions today, we are being treated with modern medicine, and many are still turning to methods of treatment from ancient times.

Acupuncture is a well-known ancient method of treatment that originated in China. Its very name also describes what kind of treatment it is. Actus is a Latin word meaning needle, meaning to prick with a needle. Today, acupuncture uses needles that are different thicknesses and lengths, and are used to stick to specific points on the body to help with healing.

On the human body we have so-called meridians or points where chi energy is closest to the surface. We know that there are 12 meridians that we consider the main ones, each meridian represents one organ in our body. The meridians are actually even, but there are two meridians that are odd and denote the front of our body and the back.

What is acupuncture and how is it performed
What is acupuncture and how is it performed (source: Pinterest)


To achieve balance in the body, needles are inserted into specific areas to balance Ying Yang energies. When the Ying and Yang imbalance occurs, various diseases appear, which is a sign that the chi energy, which is considered to be our life energy, is disturbed. Acupuncture it helps us restore balance in the body.

What is acupuncture used for?

Acupuncture today it is really widely used, in addition to treatment it can also be used to detoxify the body, but also as an aid to weight loss. This method of treatment is mostly used in China, but also in all parts of the world today. The World Health Organization has also confirmed that it is an effective treatment for certain diseases such as hypotension and hypertension, irregular menstruation and infertility, stress and chronic fatigue, hemorrhoids, diabetes, psychosis, headaches, various sports injuries.

It also helps with certain skin diseases, various allergies, helps reduce cellulite, and can help the patient to stop smoking. Today, it is believed that acupuncture treatment can be far more effective than various other methods of treatment, especially when it comes to certain medications that can help us with one problem but also cause another problem. Although acupuncture at first does not seem appealing to place needles on certain points of our body, these points, more precisely the meridians help balance our energy flow.

How is acupuncture performed?

Before the acupuncture procedure, it is necessary to first make a detailed examination of the patient. The patient’s eyes, tongue, feet are examined, his pulse is measured and his general condition is generally checked. Internal causes such as stored emotions, shocks, whether a person suffers from the weather, how the lifestyle looks like and so on are also investigated. An honest relationship with the doctor performing the treatment is essential for successful treatment and health.

The examination is followed by stabbing with needles that have been inserted for several minutes, and sometimes for more than an hour. A slight pain that passes quickly can be felt with the sting. After the sting at a certain point, the patient feels warmth, which later turns into relaxation that will spread throughout the body. In order for acupuncture to be successful, more treatments need to be done, the number of treatments of course depends on the problem itself.

Finally, it is important to emphasize how acupuncture works by licensed physicians. In order for the treatment in this way to be successful, it is important to establish a diagnosis with the patient. It is necessary to know that this method of treatment requires perseverance on both sides, because just as the disease or problem did not develop overnight, it is not right to expect that one treatment will solve all the problems.

What is acupuncture good for, benefits

Acupuncture is used mainly to relieve discomfort associated with a variety of diseases and conditions, including:

  • Chemotherapy-induced and postoperative nausea and vomiting
  • Dental pain
  • Headaches, including tension headaches and migraines
  • Labor pain
  • Low back pain
  • Neck pain
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Menstrual cramps
  • Respiratory disorders, such as allergic rhinitis
  • Muscle sprain

source: mayoclinic

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