What is bulimia
In today’s modern world, when most of us are on social media, we have become more aware than ever before, but also burdened, about our outward appearance due to influencers and online models. Eating disorders have become more prevalent and many people regardless of age, gender and other factors are struggling with it. Eating disorders are divided into several categories, namely anorexia, bulimia and compulsive eating.
Each of them is characterized by some items. Anorexia is characterized by the fact that a person counts every calorie, and tries in any way to burn calories, and gradually eats less and consumes more. With compulsive eating, a person overeats and eats even if he is not hungry, which is the result of dealing with stress and other situations. In bulimia, a person normally eats, or even overeats, and then vomits what he has eaten. It is a very complex form of eating disorder, so we will tell you more about what it is below bulimia, how to recognize it, what are its consequences and how it is treated.
Bulimia and what are the symptoms and consequences
Bulimia is, just like anorexia, an eating disorder, which is similar to anorexia in some respects, but differs significantly in one respect. With anorexia, a person starves and burns more calories than they take, while with bulimia, people either eat completely normally or consume a significant amount of food at once and then later vomit or use cleansing items to gain weight.
Among the symptoms of bulimia we can say that they are afraid of gaining weight, are not satisfied with their appearance, exercise constantly, often have to go to the toilet after meals, buy laxatives, eat low calories except when compulsively eat more and do not like to participate in food events. No disorder occurs just like that overnight, but it develops gradually. Bulimia is the same, in the beginning it can be that once a week a person overeats and for fear of gaining weight or vomits all the contents of the stomach or uses special laxatives. And after a few months of practicing, it turns into a compulsive disorder from which it is difficult to get out. But this does not mean that it is not possible for a person to be cured of this bad eating habit. Below we will tell you what the treatment for bulimia looks like.
Bulimia and what the treatment looks like
As we said in the previous section, bulimia is an eating disorder that can be recognized by compulsive overeating and subsequent emptying of stomach contents either through forced vomiting or through the use of special bowel cleansers. Often, the gradual repetition of this practice consequently turns into a compulsive disorder and the person later develops a reflex where after each food intake he feels the need to vomit and cannot keep food in the stomach normally.
That’s why it’s important when you notice that you or someone close to you is battling bulimia or any other form of eating disorder to seek help as soon as possible! Bulimia is mostly treated through special therapy with a psychiatrist as this is a greater psychological problem that the person is dealing with. There are many clinics that specialize in treating eating disorders, and you can also find counselors where they will be happy to help you get back on track without fear of food and weight gain!
source: mayoclinic