When is World No Smoking Day celebrated?
World No Smoking Day is held every year on the 31st of May, and is celebrated around the world. The annual celebration of the day serves to inform people, especially young people, about the dangers of cigarette and tobacco consumption, and how smoking these substances can be harmful to one’s health. The World Health Organization or WHO has launched this initiative to make people aware of the dangers of cigarettes and tobacco and encourage them not to quit smoking.
WHO member states created World No Smoking Day in 1987 to draw global attention to the tobacco epidemic and deaths and preventable diseases. The intention of the day is further to draw attention to the widespread prevalence of tobacco use and negative health effects, which currently lead to more than 8 million deaths each year worldwide, including 1.2 million as a result of non-smoker exposure to used tobacco. smoke. That day met with enthusiasm and resistance around the world from governments, public health organizations, smokers, growers and the tobacco industry.
How did World No Smoking Day come about?
In 1987, the WHO World Health Assembly passed Resolution WHA40.38, calling for April 7, 1988. “world no smoking day“. The goal of the day was to encourage tobacco users around the world to refrain from using tobacco products 24 hours a day, an action they hoped would help those trying to quit. In 1988, the World Health Assembly passed Resolution WHA42.19 calling for the celebration of World No Tobacco Day every year on the 31st of May.
Since then, the WHO has supported World No Tobacco Day each year, linking each year to a different tobacco-related topic. In 1998, the WHO established the Tobacco Free Initiative (TFI), an attempt to focus international resources and attention on the global tobacco health issue. The World No Smoking Day initiative provides assistance in creating global public health policy, encourages mobilization among societies, and supports the World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC). The World Health Organization FCTC is a global public health treaty adopted by countries around the world in 2003 as an agreement to implement smoking cessation policies.
World No Smoking Day
Each year for World No Smoking Day, the WHO selects the theme of the day to create a more unique global message for the WNTD. This topic then becomes a central component of the WHO tobacco-related agenda for next year. It oversees the creation and distribution of promotional materials related to the topic, including brochures, leaflets, posters, websites and press releases. The videos were created as part of the 2008 WNTD awareness campaign on “Tobacco Free Youth” and posted on YouTube, and the podcasts were first used in 2009.
In many of its WNTD topics and related promotional materials, the WHO emphasizes the idea of truth. Headlines such as “Tobacco Kills, Don’t Be Fooled” (2000) and “Tobacco: Deadly in Any Form or Mask” (2006) suggest that individuals may be misled or confused about the true nature of tobacco and cigarettes. . WHO WNTD materials represent an alternative understanding of facts as seen from the global world. public health perspective. WNTD’s promotional materials provide an official interpretation of state-of-the-art tobacco research and statistics and provide a common basis for formulating anti-smoking arguments around the world. Topics for World No Smoking Day are “Tobacco – a threat to development” (2017), “Tobacco breaks the heart” (2018), “Make every day World No Tobacco Day” (2019), “Exposed tobacco: the secret is out” (2020), and “Commit to Cessation” (2021).
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